3 ways technology can be utilized for the gospel

Technology has provided us with an opportunity that has never existed before, and if it is utilized properly, it is a very powerful tool in spreading the gospel.

Here are three ways you can utilize technology as a youth influencer:

1. Create a community: 

With social media, you can reach a wide audience of people that neither know each other nor need to be proximal. Platforms like WhatsApp or Facebook can be used to create Christian community pages and promote Christ-like relationships and conversations.

2. Discipleship:

Websites, blogs, YouTube channels, and Facebook and Instagram pages are excellent platforms that can be used to curate structured discipleship courses. Unlike before, people don’t need to be physically present before they can be discipled, they can simply access it on their devices  

3. Communicate easier and quicker:

Technology has made it so that communication is easier and quicker. Pastors, Teachers and Mentors can easily access teenagers and youths online, giving them the counselling and teaching they need as quickly as they need them

How has Social Media helped you personally in reaching this generation?


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