The 5W’s and 1H

One of the things that stood out for us was Mrs. Toyin Poju-Oyemade’s session about the 5W’s and 1H. 

The 5W’s and 1H are questions that we (youth influencers) need to ask ourselves about this generation to help us understand them better and reach them more effectively. 

They are

1. Who

Who are they and who are the biggest influences that they’re paying attention to?

2. Why

Why are they paying attention to this person(s) and what is the person saying that is more interesting than what we have to say?

3. What

What are the ways in which we can provide the needful, yet contemporary alternatives to what they already pay attention to?

4. How

How do we communicate with them and take our message to their level? 

5. Where

Where do we need to reach this generation? What platforms are best to communicate to them effectively?

6. When

When are they mostly available and accessible?

How have you applied the 5Ws and 1H since the conference?


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